Al-hamdulilah the long awaited SRF Islamic CD has been compiled and printed! SRF have produced an audio CD which contains 6 short powerful reminders. 3000 copies of this CD is being produced with your donations and distributed at Masaajid all around the UK this Ramadhaan! Allahu akbar! Sadaqah Jariyah for us and our donors insha-Allah. Some places to mention, London, Birmingham, Coventry, Manchester, Cardiff, Bradford and more. Distribution started yesterday after Jumah at Coventry! See picture. You can earn Sadaqah Jariyah without donating. How? Just by simply telling others about SRF. We had a brother who told others that SRF provide free tajweed qurans to those who will use them reguarly. As a result we received a number of individual requests and we sent qurans to them. Our donors will get a share of the reward, however, that brother who spread the news about SRF will also have a share, insha-Allah.
Al-hamduliah, after completing Mozambique, SRF turn to help the people of Rwanda. We now have details of where the well will be built in Rwanda.
The water well will be built in Gikongoro in Southern province of Rwanda, insha-Allah.It is a very very poor area. There are majority Muslims in Gikongoro and they are very poor and have no water with constant outbreaks of ebola fever, cholera etc. This area has no access by roads therefore these people have been neglected. It is such a remote area that there are extra costs to transport the digging machinery to this village. We have been told that tears will flow if you were to see how the Gikongoro people live. Children are dying due to poverty. With the help of Allah, SRF aim to provide clean water for these neglected people. DONATE NOW https://www.justgiving.com/srframadan2014/ We have received news that the Water Well in Mozambique has been completed, Al-hamdulilah. More info from the project coming soon, insha-Allah.
You can still donate towards Rwanda and Burundi. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY IN RAMADHAAN. 100% ZAKAT ELIGIBLE. https://www.justgiving.com/srframadan2014 Some highlights from the Sponsor Student project in June 2014.
Student IR032 - new student. Comments from the parent: "if it wasnt for your efforts it would have been very difficult for (student) to carry his passion on memorizing the quran forward." Student IR028 - student has revised all previous memorised surahs and corrected mistakes and moved onto surah al balad. Student IR027 - message from students Mother: "JazakAllah to the team and donors. May Allah swt reward you immensely for all your help. Ameen". Student IR022 - student finished Surah Abasa and now onto Surah Naziat. |
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March 2020