Project Description
The well we built in Mozambique was part of our Ramadhaan Water Wells Appeal 2014. This was an appeal to raise £6000 to build 1 well in 3 different countries - Mozambique, Rwanda and Burundi.
The well in Mozambique was built in Macuba village in the district of Macuba in the province of Zambezia. The people of this district are very poor and depend mostly on subsistence farming-hand to mouth. The area is very primitive and there are no roads [tarred roads] to major cities to sell their crops. Due to a lack of clean water people die of typhoid, malaria and all other water borne diseases. This also affects the children and as a result there is a high rate of infant deaths. To get access to clean water they have to walk distances and stay overnight to get drinking water. The situation is so bad that women and girls are forced into prostitution in exchange for clean water and food. |