"Jazak'Allaahu khairan...imagine every letter in the Qur'an multiplied ten times and again up to 700 hundred times with life time of usage until the last day the Qur'ans will be used, the knowledge people will derive... and they will teach others ... until the last person who benefited from them, may Allah give you and us the full reward of that."
Students of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh:
Jazakum Allaahu khair to SRF for providing us with books, may Allaah Azawajal reward them and alow them to continue the good that they do. Anonymous, Riyadh.
I am a student at imam mohammed ibn saud islamic university in riyadh i would like to thank the people in charge of SRF and their supporters for all their efforts. i ask Allah to bless and reward them all for all their works. may Allah help us in our society and accept it for us. Anonymous
Jazakum Allaahu khair to SRF for providing us with books, may Allaah Azawajal reward them and alow them to continue the good that they do. Anonymous, Riyadh.
May Allah bless and reward the organisers of SRF with good. I am a student of knowledge from England studying at Jamiatul imam and this is the second time SRF have helped me to get books that are very important for my studies and also for the future when I start to give dawah in shaa Allah. May Allah bless them with ikhlaas and accept it from them and anyone who donates to them or helps them in anyway. Anonymous, Birmingham
I am a student of knowledge studying at Imam University I want to thank SRF for providing access to valuable books to us. Having books is vital to progressing as a student of knowledge and receiving valuable books across different fields will enable me to use these books and help people back in Canada. May Allah grant SRF continued success and increase them in good and knowledge. Ameen
"May Allah bless the brothers that run SRF and anyone who supports and donates towards this noble cause. Alhamdulillah I'm a student of knowledge studying in one of the Islamic Universities and I plan to return to the West after gaining knowledge to give dawah in shaa Allah. SRF rushed to gain the reward of helping me to buy books which I need for my studies. I ask Allah to accept their efforts and I encourage anyone who has the ability to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Jazaakumullaahu khairon" Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
"May Allah reward you in abundance and place it upon your scales and of those who have donated." Peterborough, UK
"May Allah reward you for the work you doing and grant you the best in this life and the hereafter.i was looking and all the newsletters and updates on SRF and the website and i see alot of work and achievement done considering that SRF is a new organisation." Cape Town, South Africa
"I pray Allaah rewards you with goodness for the immense work you are doing, no good deed and effort should be belittled - however small or big." Nelson, UK
May Allah bless and reward you and all those involved for all your effort, i am truly grateful for the material which inshallah will give knowledge to muslims and non-muslim in the area....I will make dua to Allah that he accepts the effort of all involved and i will inshallah do my best to spread the word and make others aware of this cause." Mohamed oualkadi, UK
I do very much appreciate that your foundation has done this for our orphans school in Pakistan, May Allah reward you and your donors. Mr choudry, Mushtaq School for Orphan Girls, Pakistan
May Allaah SWT reward you in abundance for all that you do and May He make is a means of Jannah for all behind the scenes and all that donate Aameen. Nalette (Women's Centre), Bradford
"overjoyed and greatly appreciative to Allah about your rapid, satisfactory response to my humble request for those books... They were very much needed". Imam of Prison, Carson City, USA
"Jazakamullah khair. I have received the tajweed Qurans and the Juzz Ammah Tajweed books this will make my lessons much easier, inshallah. May Allah reward all those involved from the donors to the admin and everyone, I ask Allah to open the road for you to Jannah and bless you in the dunyah and aakhira with the mercy of Allah. Ameen." Sister Rayhaana, Rochdale
"Jazak'Allaahu khairan, received the gift, imagine every letter in the Quran multiplied ten times and ten times again up to 700 hundred times with life time of usage until the last day the qurans will be used, the knowledge people will derive and the guidance ,and they will teach others and others and others and others until the last person who benefited from them, may Allah give you and us the full reward of that." Brother Elyas, Sweden
"You (SRF) recently purchased some books for me for learning Arabic, and let me just say once again that I am very grateful for what you have done for me and for others who are seeking knowledge. I have not seen or heard of a charity like this before, and I am grateful to Allah that we have people like you helping the ummah. Alhamdulillah." Anonymous, West Midlands
"Seeking Reward Foundation has aided me in the path of seeking knowledge and I pray Allah rewards all those involved, in this life and the Hereafter. Ameen." IOU Student
"Parents, pupils and staff at Ihsan Academy, Cardiff, are making duaa for the brothers and sisters involved in 'Seeking Reward Foundation'. An incredible initiative to bring benefit to mankind. Children at Ihsan read from the Qur'ans everyday, so may Allah reward you every day and for every letter recited, insha'Allah. Ameen." Director of Ihsan Academy
"Slaam jzk for sponsoring my 8 yr old son. By grace of my lord (Student IR032) has completed his 2nd juzz hifaz. I am seeing the changes in his recitation and confidence since the start of lessons. Given my situation at the moment i would have not been able to fund these sessions fully and if it wasnt for ur contribution (Student IR032) wouldnt have this opportunity to start building the true love for the quran jzk may my Lord reward u in abundance." Parent of Student IR032
"I got the package yesterday, and I just want to thank you. I will InshaAllah use these books to their full extent. I'm very grateful that we have people like you setting up and helping those who want to seek knowledge." Student
"Thx u so much for providing this opportunity for my children to learn. They are starting to enjoy learning to read rather than being scared." Mother of Students IR020 and IR021
"(IR027) is a good student and a regular in his lessons he has memorised Juz Amma and read good and (has also) memorised Surah Al Mulk and now he is on Surah Qalam." Teacher of Student IR027
Testimonial after our Nigeria Water Project:
I really want to thank you for helping my people with water...after hearing from my relatives and many people from my region that seeking reward provided them with water,i decided to google seeking reward foundation and got your contact mail.i am so grateful for the work you do over and around the world.giving water water to villagers is the greatest thing one can do to mankind.Thank you ...we also don't have water in my villages but my family and some relatives and friends of mine benefitted from your gift which is very important and I am grateful and thankful to your team.Thank you very much
Ikechuku, Nigeria
Here is the best bit, Ikechuku shortly after sending this email became a Muslim and changed his name to Ibrahim! Allahu Akbar!
"I would encourage people to set up a direct Debit with Seeking Reward Foundation as you can donate how much you would like and this money will go far to help towards Dawah and other projects around the U.K and the world which will be a Sadka jaryia for you in the Akhira, its very easy to set up and you can change the amounts as and when you like, so please don’t delay as we never know how long we have in the world" Firaz, Birmingham
"keep up the good work guys. You may not be getting paid for your efforts but the reward with Allah is much greater." SRF Donor
Feedback from someone who set up a monthly donation via Just Giving:
"The process was really easy. It took less than 2 minutes to set up! Maybe the most valuable 2 minutes of my life! Just have your bank sort code and account number to hand. Also by ticking the Gift Aid box, I increased my donation by 25% with no extra cost to me!! There is a message box right at the end where I put a message to SRF for where I want my donation to go every month." Anonymous, Birmingham
"Dear brothers and sisters. Jazakumu Allahu Khairan. May Allah accept your deeds. I think it means a lot for you all when you know that I make Du'a for you for every word even letter I read. JZK". Omar, Manchester
"I include you in my duaas to bless your lives, families and wealth. We ask Allah to (allow us to) practice what we learn and not be of those who only carry the knowledge on their backs and all success from Allah alone." SRF Sponsored Student, Belgium
I would like to say jazaakumullaahu khayran to SRF and to the donors. And to remind them, that for every letter read from these Qur'ans, they will get at least 10 hasanaat InshaAllaah. But Allaah is Most Merciful and He is able to multiply this. And also, that the reward doesn't just end with these girls. We hope that when they grow up, they will also teach, even their children InshaAllaah. So, you can imagine... The reward that would be building up in your scales. And you don't even know. May Allaah bless you all. Rasheda Akhter, London