Project Description
Niger is one of the poorest countries on Earth. It is in an area plagued by serious political turmoil. Seeking Reward Foundation 1 deep bore hole water well in an area called Tondi Kiwindi, a large community situated in the Tillaberi region in the north of the country. The area itself is a sandy region that is landlocked. Insha'Allah over 20 thousand people are benefiting from this water-well.
95% of the population in Niger are trapped in “multi dimensional poverty” - about one in every seven children die before their first birth day as a result of diarrhoea,malnutrition, poor sanitation and unsafe hygiene practices caused by contaminated water. Diseases from unsafe water and lack of sanitation kill more people every year than all forms of violence including war. Lack Women are forced to travel large distances in their search for water, where they risk being kidnapped and raped. |