Project Description
Widows and poor people of a village in Togo had been raising funds for a water well for 3 years and only managed to raise 1/3 of the target. SRF heard of the news and utilised your donations to reach the target and arrange construction of the well.
The wells Seeking Reward Foundation build aim to benefit the poorest of the poorest communities, insha-Allah. The well in Togo was built in TCHAOUDJO in the western region of Togo. It is a very poor region and highly populated by women mostly widows and their grand children mostly orphans. Their main income is mostly from subsistence farming. These women walk long distances to get water and they are old. Due to poverty, parents cannot afford to send children to school to gain education. They lack basic human needs such as clean water and healthcare and as a result illnesses spread.These people who qualify for zakaat are very marginalized too as they migrated into these areas in search of shelter and mostly refugees and victims of wars. |