Al-hamdulilah the 2nd well in Kenya has been completed. Unfortunately, our key volunteer on the ground picked up a disease after the project and got severely ill. For this reason we are yet to receive a video showing the how the wells are changing lives.
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Have you the got ability to make short and powerful video clips using video editing softwares such as 'After Effects' and 'Premier Pro'?
Seeking Reward Foundation has the opportunity for a video editor/designer to earn huge amounts of reward insha-Allah. If you want to take this opportunity of preparing for your akhirah and seeking the pleasure of Allah please contact us. We have just uploaded a few pictures from the Uganda water wells project. A short video clip of the project is coming soon, insha-Allah.
UPDATE: Al-hamdulilah, we have received news that the 1st Water Well has been completed and the 2nd well is currently under construction.
Do you require a book but cannot afford it?
Do you know a family member or a friend who would benefit from a book? Would you like to distribute books in your local community to those who will benefit? Are you part of an organisation that requires support to purchase books? SRF utilise donations to purchase books then distribute them for free only to those who will benefit, earning Sadaqah Jariyah for our donors. Check out the new page on our website to request some free literature! Al-hamdulilah. We reached the target for a 2nd water well in Kenya. The target was reached by a family who donated on behalf of their mother who recently passed away. May Allah put this in their scale of good deeds and all the other donors.
Where will the 2nd Well be built? ..... |
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March 2020