It has been a year since SRF first began helping the people of Africa. Since providing a water well in Congo, SRF has moved across Africa helping thousands of needy people in a number of ways.
Below is an update we have received from our contact who manages all our work in Africa: SRF supports rural development in Africa with its primary focus and area of expertise on rural water supply. SRF works diligently to support the environmental, agricultural and health education required to build and sustain healthy communities by building high capacities wells for the past 10 months. Seeking Reward has been actively involved in rural high capacity water well supplies in the poorest villages in Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, Mozambique, Rwanda and Burundi by providing clean water to at least 15 000 rural people in each country. High capacity wells built in Africa- 4 in Nigeria, 2 in Uganda, 2 in Kenya, 1 in Congo, 1 in Rwanda, 1 in Burundi and 1 in Mozambique.
![]() Back in May we sent a number of books to prisoners in America, one of which was the Imam of the prison. Al-hamdulilah the books reached the prisoners and the Imam sent a letter of gratitude and request for more help. The Imam mentioned he was "overjoyed and greatly appreciative to Allah about your rapid, satisfactory response to my humble request for those books... They were very much needed". The Imam of the prison in Carson City, USA, then made a final request for some more books, which if provided, he would be able to do his "duty as the Imam and most learned Muslim" in the prison to portray the message of Islam. SRF took this unique and golden of opportunity of Sadaqah Jariyah and provided the books the Imam requested, to plant seeds of Sadaqah Jariyah for our donors in a prison in the USA. May Allah accept this from all. Ameen. ![]() SRF sent 2000 English translations of the Qur'an to Nigeria for distribution. Al-hamdulilah we recently received news from our contact on the ground that the Qur'ans have been distributed. Allahu akbar! This is an amazing Sadaqah Jariyah! Below is what our contact in Lagos, Nigeria reported back: I have distributed considerable number of them. I have given preference to non Muslims who may be interested to know more about Islaam and I have also given to Muslims who need them. I have targeted prisons yards, schools and individual contacts through personal da'wah and through proxies. I have distributed in the East of Nigeria also. We recently received an email from someone who came across SRF and wanted to seek reward. These were their exact words, "please contact me if you are in need of volunteers, i have come across your charity recently and i love the work you do mashallah".
This person (may Allah reward them) realised the huge opportunity of Sadqah Jariyah with the work that SRF do and wanted to be a part of it. Even with the smallest of actions such as sharing SRF pages on social media or distributing SRF CDs. We sent 150 CDs to this volunteer and they advised they will start distributing them in East London as soon as they arrive! ![]() A Non Muslim was flicking through TV channels and came across a channel which was showing Masjid Al Haram, Makkah. They sat for nearly an hour glued to the TV at the amazing sight of people going around the Ka'ba. Some time later they watched a video of Qur'an recitation on the Instagram page of a SRF volunteer. They commented, "what's that sound, it's beautiful?" Al-hamdulilah, this led our volunteer to advising this Non Muslim about Islam, which led to more questions, which led to the opportunity for SRF to send some literature to this Non Muslim. Al-hamdulilah we sent some literature immedialtey hoping that Allah guides this person to Islam and we share a copy of the rewards. Ameen. ![]() SRF were recently given an opportunity to plant seeds of Sadaqah Jariya in Jamaica and we took it, Al-hamdulilah! We were contacted by a brother who recently took a trip to Jamaica. He advised the brothers and sisters in Jamaica were in need of literature to increase their knowledge and also to use this knowledge to give Dawah to the Non Muslims. To the extent that the Masjid only had 3 Qur'ans. The brother advised that many people in Jamaica are eager to learn about Islam but there is a shortage of literature or people of knowledge. SRF took this rare opportunity and provided a wide range of Books and Qurans (purchased with your donations!) to be shipped to Jamaica. The picture shows a selection of some of the books we sent May Allah accept this as Sadaqa Jariya till the Day of Judgement, Ameen!
SRF were made aware of a Madrassa with many good students who were Sadaqah Jariyah opportunities. SRF provided the following literature for the madrassa:
10 x Full Tajweed Qur'ans 10 x Juz Amma booklets 15 x My Tawheed Books 15 x My Prayer Books ![]() SRF volunteers are always seeking opportunities of Sadaqah Jariyah for themselves and our donors. One of our volunteers recently contacted a Madrassa to see if SRF can supply students with Juz Amma booklets. Al-hamdulilah, the madrassa of over 200 students agreed and SRF provided 75 Juz Amma booklets and 10 Tajweed Qur'ans. The madrassa advised these Juz Amma booklets are a must for students who study there. Therefore ongoing deeds for all those who donated to these Qur'ans, inshaAllah! SADAQA JARIYA! ![]() Back in early August we sent some Juz Amma booklets for a Sisters Quran Workshop in Rochdale. Al-hamdulilah the event was a success and many Sisters attended to ignite the passion of reading the Quran. Al-hamdulilah we were recently made aware that a further 3 workshops have been organised in another 3 towns across the North of England, Rawtenstall, Blackburn and Oldham. SRF took the opportunity and provided more Juz Amma booklets AND SRF Islamic CDs to be given to Sisters at these workshops. The 1st workshop (Rawtenstall) took place yesterday and 35 people attended and the booklets and CDs were distributed, Al-hamdulilah. May Allah make the following workshops and further workshops a means for us to attain His pleasure. Sadaqah Jariyah! ![]() 2 books distributed but only Allah knows how much reward that will come as a result. Check this story. One of our volunteers was putting a box of books (purchased with your donations) into the car. A Madrassa teacher passing by asked to see some of the books and began reading the book shown in the picture. The Madrassa was amazed by the book and asked if he could have one. Our volunteer asked if the book will be used or just placed on the shelf, the madrassa teacher replied by saying he would teach the book to his students! Allahu Akbar. Then he asked for another one and advised he will teach the book to his family at home. Allahu Akbar! This story does not need any further comments to make you ponder on the huge amount of Sadaqah Jariyah that can come from this. May Allah accept it. Ameen. |
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March 2020