Students of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud from the Islamic University in Riyadh were in need of some islamic books. These are students of knowledge, learning the deen of Allah, who will inshaa allah spread the 'ilm to those around them.
We sent 10 sets of Islamic books, and the students were instructed to donate the titles they already had. Below is a list of the titles given: تفسير ابن كثير شرح العقيدة الطحاوية رياض الصالحين للإمام النووي فقه السنة لسيد سابق صور من حياة الصحابة للدكتور عبد الرحمن رأفت الباشا مختصر منهاج القاصدين لابن قدامة السيرة النبوية للدكتور الصلابي زاد المعاد في هدي خير العباد لابن قيم الجوزي أصول الدعوة للدكتور عبدالكريم زيدان Alhamdulillah, the delivery was received and the students gave a number of testimonials.
Below is an account from a volunteer of this foundation.
'I was sitting in the masjid and a brother approached me and asked where he could get a tajweed quran. He advised it was a friend who lived far away and wanted to learn how to read the Quran correctly. Immediately I thought this is an opportunity for SRF. So the next day SRF arranged for a tajweed quran to be posted to this brother. Planting seeds of Sadaqah Jariyah.' Allahu Akbar, an inspiring account. A small donation could easily result in someone learning the rules of tajweed, or reciting the Qur'an often, or even memorising the Qur'an. Every penny we spend in this will be increasing our reward for the hereafter, insha- Allah, and every time someone benefits from the Qur'an, we benefit from it too! Blessed are we to be able to partake in something so simple yet so effective. This is an investment for our future; we pray to Allah that these rewards will continue, even after our death. Ameen. A Qur'an teacher was in need of tajweed Qur'ans for keen students at his madrassah. He got in touch with SRF and we offered ten copies of the last three juz, but he advised that some of his students have surpassed the third juz, Allahuma Baarik. So we delivered five full tajweed Qur'ans for those eager in memorisation, and three of the last three juz for beginners. Alhamdulillah. A madrassah in Middlesbrough requested some more Tajweed Qur'ans, for new, dedicated students. SRF had previously supplied some, but now, with increasing students and significant memorisation, more Qur'ans were needed.
These hard working students were flowing in their hifdh and so needed full tajweed qur'ans, of which we provided 30. We ask Allah to keep them eager in their memorisation and implementation of the Qur'an, and we ask Him to reward all the donors who participated in this beautiful exchange. Ameen Alhamdulillah, a delivery has been made to Al Furqan Islamic Centre in Manchester. The Qur'an teacher requested Tajweed Qur'ans for his hifdh students, numbering 40 to 50, who attend classes six days a week Allahuma Baarik! We sent 50 copies of the last three juzz, so students doing hifdh can memorise with ease insha- allah. These qur'ans will be used constantly, assisting in students' tajweed and enabling them to further their hifdh. May Allah accept this from all of our donors. Ameen. All praise is due to Allah Lord of the worlds. The Niger Water Well has been completed Alhamdulillah! May Allah reward those who donated and participated abundantly, and we pray that it will be of benefit to the people of Niger.
A video of this project will be uploaded soon insha-Allah. |
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March 2020