Arabic learning book, Al Arabiyyah Bayna Yadayk, has been sent to a student learning Arabic in Birmingham. He advised "the book will be used as part of the weekly class on Sundays. In addition, the book will be used for studying during the week. The book will also be used for revision prior to a test at the end of the class." The book was also supplied to another student in the same class for the same purpose! Al-hamdulilah.
Students of comparative religion from Birmingham, UK have requested a number of books to aid them in their studies of the different religions. These books were not included in the standard list of beneficial books, but were specially requested for the specific studies of these students. They include: The History of Jewish Christianity: From the First to the Twentieth Century, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Roots of Christianity and Islam: Re-Erecting the Fallen Tent of David in the Land North of Damascus, and Jews and Arabs: A Concise History of Their Social and Cultural Relations (Jewish, Judaism), among others. These books will be helpful for the students in writing papers and studying for their exams insha allah. They will also be used in much needed debates and discussions. The wider community will benefit from these books too, in that seminars have already been planned based on these fascinating titles, educating the general Muslim public on the basic differences and similarities between our religion and others. Tajweed Quran given to a Sister who said her "12 year old son who attends masjid regularly. He also will use qur'an at home. Our children must read and do read on a regular basis at masjid and at home. Jazak Allah khayran"
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March 2020