Alhamdulillah SRF dispatched an IslamWise New Muslim Pack to a Revert in the USA. This new Muslim will benefit from this pack immensely inshaa Allah as it has all the tools a new Muslim needs to make themselves familiar with Islam. They will use this pack regularly and they are advised to pass in on to someone they think will benefit from this after they are finished.
May Allah reward them for they determination to learn about the religion and may He allow them and all of us to practice it to the best of our ability, ameen
![]() A Daw'ah team in Pakistan contacted SRF and requested a few books to give to people as part of their Da'wah mission. They participate in Da'wah five times a week, where a team of six people approach the non Muslims of Pakistan and talk to them about Islam and offer them some Islamic Literature to read and benefit from. The titles SRF sent consisted of: three copies of Full Tajweed Quran, one copy of Juz Amma, six copies of Qaida Noorani, three copies of My Dua, three copies of Description of Prophet's Prayer, and three copies of Selected Fatawa for Women, and a copy of Sahih Bukhari. Inshaa Allah these books will benefit those who are spreading Islam as well as those who are interested in this beautiful religion. We pray that Allah makes them stronger in their knowledge of Islam, and makes them successful in their Da'wah missions, ameen. A student who attends Greenlane Masjid's Arabic lessons requested a copy of Al Arabiyyatu Bayna Yaadayk Book One. This is the book they are studying, and he will use it in class and for homework inshaa allah. Learning Arabic is one of the most beneficial things a student can do, and for SRF to help along that journey, through your donations, is something that will have a great positive impact on the students and all those involved, inshaa allah.
We pray that Allah accepts our efforts, and that this students goes on to learn arabic fluently and take much benefit from it, ameen. Alhamdulillah SRF have sent ten copies of the the Last 3 Juzz, twenty copies of Juzz Amma and ten copies of Qaida Noorani, among others. These books were sent to Oldbury Faith Foundation for the children who attend and learn the Quran. The children attend the madrassah regularly, so the books will be benefited from on a regular basis, inshaa allah.
We ask Allah to bless them in their noble endeavours of learning the Quran, ameen. ![]() Al-hamdulilah, we got the opportunity to provide a Quran and Qaida to a new Muslim sister in USA and we took it! The Sister mentioned: "I would greatly appreciate receiving requested for daily use in knowledge and spiritual growth. In hopes one day I shall be able to help educate, strengthen others with knowledge and spiritual." May Allah accept it! Alhamdulillah, we dispatched a copy of Qadia Baghdadi to a young revert sister in Birmingham, UK. As a means of learning about Islam, she is taking a class every week in reading arabic, and because of this noble venture, she requested the above book. Insha allah this book will benefit her a lot, and may even be the reason she learns how to read Arabic, the language of the Quran. We sincerely pray that she is successful in her important endeavour of learning to read Arabic, ameen.
A family man, from Birmingham, UK, requested many books from us, from them, a copy of the Full Tajweed Quran, a copy of More than 1000 Sunan, Fundamentals of Hadeeth, Important Lessons for the General Muslims, and The Benefits of Fearing Allah. He and his family will benefit a lot from these books, and they will be a path to which they can learn more about Islam and be closer to Allah, (SWT). Insha allah, these books will be used regularly and will benefit not only the adults in the family, but the children as well, as they learn the importance of the religion through them. We pray that Allah makes them successful in all their endeavours, ameen.
A man from New York contacted SRF and requested a few books from us. From them: a full Tajweed Quran, a copy of Qaida Baghdadi, a copy of Concise Collection on Creed and Tauhid, and a CD: Travel Companion. He is the only Muslim in his family, and is very determined to use and benefit from these books on a daily basis, inshaa Allah. We pray that Allah makes him stronger in his religion, and that Allah guides his family too, ameen.
A new Muslim, living in Poland, has requested the IslamWise New Muslim Pack and one copy of the Tajweed Quran with transliteration. He is passionate to read and memorise the Quran, and we pray that these tools will bring him closer to Allah and make him a firm slave of Allah, ameen.
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March 2020