![]() Al-hamdulilah, upon receiving a request from one of our donors we arranged for Ar Rahma Trust to build a water well on their behalf in Pakistan. The deep bore well was built in the desert area of Sindh where the nearest point to access clean water was approx 10 miles away! AL-hamdulilah, in this area approximate 130-150 people will benefit. Ar Rahmah Trust will maintain the well for 2 years and then it will be the responsibility of the community in sha Allah. May Allah accept it from all those involved.
![]() Most of us are aware the growing trend of podcasts and how they are being utilised for dawah, spreading Islam and inspiring people. Al-hamduililah, John Fontain is a da'ee who is very active on social media and has many followers on his YouTube, Facebook and Instagram channels. He does many da'wah recordings and in the past we have used your donations to contribute towards one of the audio mics he uses. This time we had an even bigger Sadaqah Jariyah opportunity to use YOUR donations to provide the video camera he will use for Podcasts and other charity and dawah videos! John advised over the past 7 years his videos have had over 10 million views and now with launching a new podcast we looking to be getting in on the reward! Imagine getting a copy of the reward for all the knowledge that is spread for every view and every person that is inspired to get closer to Allah! Check out John Fontain's YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/mrfontain |
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March 2020