A counsellor at a halfway house in the USA contacted SRF for some Islamic literature. He informed us that the halfway house, though a Christian establishment, actually has 20% of residents who are Muslims. These Muslims unfortunately didn't have any Islamic materials to read. SRF sent a variety of literature to them, among them: four copies of What a Muslim Should Believe, four copies of 100 Ahadeeth about Islamic Manners and four copies of Tajweed Qurans with English translation. The men at the halfway house have signed a promissory note confirming that they will use them on a regular basis. May Allah bless them and guide them to the correct path of Allah, ameen.
A revert sister contacted SRF requesting a few books for herself, her family, and people in her nursing home. She has a book club, wherein she plans to share the books she acquires with her fellow book club friends. She also wants to give da'wah to her family and friends, the way her her grandson gave her da'wah, which was how she reverted to Islam Alhamdulillah. SRF sent her numerous books, including: two copies of More than 1000 Sunan. two copies of What a Muslim Should Believe and two copies of Description of Prophet's Prayer, among others. The sister also requested some books not specified on the request form, such as a few copies of English Translation of the Quran, which will be helpful in her da'wah inshaa allah. May Allah Make the da'wah fruitful and help them in gaining knowledge through these books, ameen. SRF was contacted by a brother in Nigeria, requesting the following books, one copy of the Tajweed Quran, one copy of Fortress of a Muslim, one copy of 100 Ahadeeth about Islamic Manners, one copy of Dutifulness on parents and one copy Travel Companion mp3. He assured us that these books will be used regularly and much benefit will be derived from them inshaa allah. He and his family decided to allocate an hour each day to reading these books and studying them. May Allah bless them in their studies, ameen. We recently heard back from the brother with the confirmation that his books were received. "Salamun Walaykum waramatulai wabarakatuhu, l'm glad to acknowledge you that l received the package you sent to me which contains a copy of the glorious Quran and some other Islamic books. l also use this medium to express a deep appreciation to the gesture,may Allah continue to enrich and bless your organization. l say jazaka lahu khyran." A brother from Poland contacted SRF requesting a copy of the Tajweed Quran, one copy of My Tawheed, one copy of Fundamentals of Tawhid and one copy of Concise Collection on Creed and Tauhid. He has the intention to start memorising the Quran and use the books on Tawhid to educate himself and those around him, as it is very difficult for him to attain such books in Poland. We pray that he is successful in his gaining of knowledge, ameen. We have sent Qurans and Books to Leeds because we received a request from someone who seems very eager to utilise them. This is what they said: I will be using the titles I have requested regularly because I want to improve my knowledge of Islam. So, the titles I have requested will benefit me because I reading them regularly and memorizing information to be more closer to our religion. By the Will of Allah and the generous donations given by dedicated donors, we have embarked on a project that will benefit us all greatly, inshaa Allah.
As well as donating copies of the Quran and building water wells, SRF also have an Islamic Media Project, wherein we supply an Islamic organisation with the equipment they need to spread the teachings of Islam more efficiently. Recently, we were made aware of an opportunity to help out with the YouTube channel DigitalMimbar, a channel that posts Islamic reminders daily, with over 250,000 subscribers. Alhamdulillah we were able to help them out with the motherboard of their computer and an upgrade of their hardware, as well as providing them with a tripod for their recording systems. This will allow them to make more videos with ease inshaa Allah, thus spreading the message of Islam far and wide. By the Glorious Will of Allah this means that every time someone benefits from their videos and short reminders, those who took part in donations will get a cut of that reward. This is an amazing opportunity, and we pray to Allah the Almighty that we get many more our way, ameen. May Allah accept our donations and keep us of those who are on the straight path, ameen. |
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March 2020