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We recently sent boxes of Quran's and Qaida's for a madrassa in Bradford. What you see (and hear) in this video is one of the best #SadaqahJariyah...ongoing charity. . Every time someones reads from these Quran's or learns from the Qaida's, it will be in YOUR scale of good deeds, in sha Allah! May Allah bless everyone who keeps supporting us to plant seeds of Sadaqah Jariyah around the world. Why not be a part of this amazing Sadaqah Jariyah opportunity? Make a donation today HERE
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![]() Did you know that a group of aunties gather once a week and learn how to read #Quran from Qaida's that YOU provided? Over a year ago SRF provided copies of Qaida Baghdadi to an elderly ladies weekly Qur'an class. The ladies gather once a week at the house of one of the aunties and then a Qur'an teacher teaches them using the Qaida's! Alhamdulilah, they have been progressing well and are currently on page 104! May Allah bless them all and accept this Sadaqah Jariyah from us every week when they pick up those Qaida's! Aameen. Some of the younger members of the SRF Family helping to package Qaida's which are going out to a #madrassa as a #sadaqahjariyah for YOU. ♥️ May Allah bless them 🤲 At SRF we are keen on nurturing the #youth by getting them involved so They can develop a love for #seekingreward and become active Muslims in the future, insha'Allah. Earning #GoodDeeds while you SLEEP! Yes, that is possible through the #SadaqahJariyah work #SRF are doing. SRF have provided over 17,000 books of #knowledge to causes like the example in the video across the world since 2013! #Alhamdulilah Each time these books get used YOU could be earning good deeds during the day AND night! Start YOUR Sadaqah Jariyah. Donate ANY amount NOW = Give Sadaqah Jariyah. Support SRF ![]() We received a request from the Imam of a prison in USA for books on #Aqeedah and #Salah so he can teach the knowledge to the prisoners. Al-hamdulilah the books reached the Imam and he sent a letter of gratitude thanking #Allah SWT. Another golden opportunity taken to plant seeds of #SadaqahJariyah for our donors in a prison in the USA. Imagine knowledge of #Tawheed and Salah being taught in a prison in USA and YOU getting a share of the reward! May Allah accept this from all. Ameen! ![]() May Allah accept all the deeds of SRF! Books have been sent to Poland after a brother sent a humble request for books as he cannot find many Islamic books in English. He showed his passion for seeking knowledge in his request form: "I would like to plunge into the study the Holy Qu'ran and its meanings thoroughly and deepen my knowledge of the message of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). At the same time, I would like to gain further understanding of the creed, acts and duties of every Muslim, in particular of the pillar of prayer." Allahu akbar. Another amazing opportunity. We aim to maximise your donations on those opportunities which will...reap maximum reward in sha Allah.
We have sponsored 57 Arabic learning books for dedicated students of knowledge who are studying intensive courses at Green Lane Institute for Sacred Knowledge (Birmingham). This was provided books of knowledge AND supporting students of knowledge! |
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March 2020